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my blogMarch '17 Haven't updated this for a while as been very busy working on an exciting project since September last year. I came up with the idea for a new contemporary art book about Cambridge, which has invloved co-ordinating the work of over 50 amazing artists to be included in it. It will be published this year under the tilte "The Cambridge Art Book' by UIT Books! Have a look at the link to find out more about it.... http://www.theheartofcambridge.co.uk/ I am now working on 5 pictures for an exhibition this summer at Byard Art. May 27th So much going on at the moment - finishing pictures for the wonderful CircularArt Trail, just delivered 4 pictures for Byard Art (The gallery in Cambridge which represents me), a picture on display at The My Hotel in Chelsea - see my news/events/shops page, Open Studios to start planning and a fair in Ely to get ready for. (ahhh!) Oh, and it's half term next week! Off now to teach my wonderful Friday Elders Art group.... May 2016 My beautiful new studio is finally finished! After 4 months it is great to be in and to be able to work in such a light and roomy space. I am busy finishing pictures for an exhibition at Byard art, one for a hotel in Chelsea, book illustrations, Cambridge Open Studios...... I need coffee.... January '16 An exciting (but daunting) start to the new year with the beginning of our building work, which will, amongst other things result in a lovely big studio for me! Also working on a picture of the New York skyline and the illustrations for a children's book with Author Lynn Fraser. December '15 A busy end to a great year , thank you to everyone who has supported me and bought my work during this crazy busy year. From the Scott Polar Research Institute to Lucy Cavendish College to many individuals - my work seems to have gone down well this year.I get a great deal of interest in the elders art group I run as a volunteer, so I have set up a separate blog for people who are interested in finding out more about it, see: https://emmabennettcollage.wordpress.com/ November Busy getting ready for the fabulous Ely Cathedral Food and Gift Fair! October We had a great weekend at the wonderful 2015 Wood and Craft fair at National Trust Ickworth. Great to see so many people and to see lots of my pictures and gift range going to new homes! Just a couple of pics' from my Elders Art group last week, I teach this group every 2 weeks and it is just wonderful. July - August A busy, busy time working on a unique commission from the Scott Polar Research Institute and Museum in Cambridge to produce a piece of art for their Shackleton exhibition and a new range of merchandise for their shop, including notebooks, jigsaws and prints.
June A busy month getting pictures ready for 2 exhibitions, commissions, teaching my lovely Friday elders group and Cambridge Open Studios! May A press release from Lucy Cavendish College about our collaboration: Lucy Cavendish College Press Release April Think there will be a few work distractions in May as Barney joins Bennett HQ in Cambridge! Completing this commission from the wonderful Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge University has been a long process and a labour of love. I was so pleased to have been asked to create this large 'iconic' art piece for their 50th anniversary celebrations this year and we are all delighted with the results! Picture below is me handing the picture over to the University. February- March I am so thrilled to have been asked by the wonderful Lucy Cavendish College here in Cambridge to create a large 'iconic' piece of art to celebrate their 50th annuversary this year. The image will also be used for merchandising, hoorah! 2015 has got off to a busy but great start. I am really enjoying working with my Friday elders group- many of whom have alzhiemers. They have worked hard to produce this picture which I think is fab! January 2015 Happy New Year! First day back at work and already 8 pictures on order, great stuff. Delighted that my lovely tea towel made it into the January edition of Cambridge Magazine: December It's been a crazy busy few months but I have met some lovely people at the various fairs I have attended and love it that many of my pictures/prints and gift items are being posted all over the world! I am still loving Teaching my Elders group on Fridays and who are working hard. I already have two commissions booked in for January as well as working with talented Author Lynn Fraser on the production of a children's book. Fantabulous Ely Cathedral Gift and Food Fair 2014 The wonderful Mill Road Winter Fair 2014 October - November A busy few months gearing up for the Christmas sales period. Had an amazing time meeting lots of lovely people at the wonderful Ely Cathedral Christmas Gift and Food Fair, lovely to get such fantastic feedback on my work. I have been teaching art to a group of 14 local elderly people for the past few months and it is one of the highlights of my week. They are working hard, many with dementia or limited dexterity and are quite honestly wonderful, see what they have done here: September 5th Had a great summer hanging out with my children and 2 fantastic weeks in France with my lovely family, but now back to work. First thing on the agenda is Christmas card designs, I am late doinge them as usual, many Artists/Designers design theirs in May! Delighted that Byard Art Gallery in central Cambridge have sold my huge Cambridge picture, my most challenging and large picture to date. It is winging its way across the world to New Zealand. July Busy weekend at Clare Priory! So delighted to have had 2 pictures chosen to grace the walls of this fantastic contemporary apartment in St Ives, Cornwall. Called 'Puffins' this gorgeous holiday home (Available for booking now!) is being artistically funished with the owner giving great care to the use of art and all things contemporary! I can't wait to see the results of the photo shoot happening next week!
www.cherishedcottages.co.uk/stives_luxury_cottage_ June Exhibition of my pictures on at Balzano's on Cherry Hinton road, Cambridge- a fantastic Italian coffee shop and deli, go see them! Just delivered 4 original pictures to the wonderful Byard Art Gallery, opposite Kings College in Cambridge. The biggest picture I have ever done, which took 7 weeks to complete will go on show, as well as 2 for their Tour De France exhibition and one of an East Anglian landscape. Ely A fun day at the Etheldreda Fair in Ely, overlooked by the grand Cathedral. Met lots of lovely people and sold, sold, sold, so a good day!
May I was asked to help design the decorations with an Italian theme for a big auction at the kids school, I don't think we did too bad a job. Fabulous day with the children in Jade class creating a huge Tour De France inspired collage, well done kids!
emmabennettcollage@email.com ArchiveMarch 2014 2014 has got off to a mixed start - on the plus side I am delighted that my work continues to see at Byard Art, I have 2 lovely tea towel desings coming out and cool coasters now on the web site. I am also really pleased to have won a scholarship on the Handmade Horizons marketing course, which I am enjoying and loved working on a huge, detailed picture of Cambridge. On the minus side I have been back and forth Birmingham as my step dad has been in hospital for 8 weeks. I am now working on 2 new pieces for Byard Art for their summer Tour De France exhibition. Cambridge Tea towel design - coming soon!
January 2014 What an amazing year 2013 was for little old Emma Bennett Collage. The highlights? -Amazing gallery Byard Art in Cambridge displaying (and selling!) my work -one even went to a dealer in Dubai -Supplying the notebooks for the Lavenham Literary Festival and getting messages back from some of the UK's top Authors saying they loved my notebooks! - Having my notebooks sold in the many RSPB shops (and on-line) shops around the country - The fantastic flower festival and Christmas Fair at Ely Cathedral and the wonderful Mill Road Fair -Meeting so many amazing people who love my work, think it is different and now have my pictures on their walls! July 19th So over the top delighted that 6 of my pictures (from the Cambridge Collection) are now on show at the wonderful Byard Art Gallery in central Cambridge (Opposite Kings College). They also have a selection of my cards! June 26th Fantastic 4 days at Ely Cathedral for their International Flower Festival. I met some lovely people, sold lots and had some amazing feedback to my work. "It is so lovely to see something so different" "Your work is so clever, how do you do it?!"
February 25th How is it the end of February already!! Things have been busy and not helped by a week without heating and hot water (my studio was freezing). I am delighted to be working with the wonderful Green Pebble on marketing my notebooks and to the 3 new shops who are stocking my gift range. I am doing a workshop in a couple of weeks with people who suffer from Parkinsons disease which I am looking forward to and am enjoying creating some new pieces together with getting orders out the door. January 8th 2013! Happy New Year! After a crazy busy November- December getting orders out of the door and stock into shops I had a fantastic Christmas and new year with family and friends and am ready to go, go, go January 6th I have done the art work for a wonderful Cambridge publication and exhibition- have a look: http://www.shape-east.org.uk/projects/2013/Walking_With_Women_Exhibition.html Sunday Dec 9th Children's Christmas card making workshop at the Urban Larder If you fancy a great coffee and cake and your kids fancy having a go at making collage Christmas cards using recycled materials, then come along at 9 on Sunday 9th to Urban Larder on Mill Road and have a go! 5th December 2012 - The Mill Road Winter Fair A photo of a very cold me in a marquee at the Mill Road Winter Fair. Thousands of people came along for a fantastic day of celebrating how fab Mill Road is. Thank's to everyone who stopped by, all of the great comments and all the purchases! November Which of the following 3 is the most scary! October Fab day making apple collage decorations with children at Rock Rd library to celebrate apple day 29nd September Took the husband and kids to see my work on display at Haddenham Galleries. They seemed quite impressed but it was the fluffy cat there who got the most attention. 26th September Wonderful day in London with amazingly fab artist Naomi Triggol, what a star and what a great day 7th September Fantastic summer, now back to work, lots to do including illustrating a children's story book by talented writer Lynn Fraser (www.lynnfraser.com), great story, hope I can do justice with the illustrations! Also busy preparing a huge delivery to Haddenham Galleries, 17 pictures, notebooks and bags - 9th July Lots going on at the moment- am teaching art at Ridgefiled and Morley schools this week, getting ready for an exhibition at Haddenham Galleries in September and delighted to have been accepted by Atelier East to exhibit a picture in their summer exhibition. 11th June Updating my blog whilst the kids play at the Funky Fun House (or Funky Hell hole as it is known amongst us parents) - kids back at school tomorrow so work can resume. Have to get 25 pictures ready for Haddenham Galleries, so with only 5 1/2 weeks beforew summer holidays begin, I had better get working. Will take Wednesday off for my birthday though! 30th May Have been asked to submit some images of my work for a feature in the 'International Lifestyle Magazine' - how lovely May 17th Had such a fantastic day at the Home and Garden Fair at Chilford Hall on Tuesday in aid of Asthma UK. It was very well organised and attended and thank you so much for all of the lovely people I met, comments I received and for all the sales! May 10th Busy, busy getting ready for the Home and Garden Fair at Chilford Hall next Tuesday (May 15th), has been a lot of work but am really looking forward to it. March 16th Delighted to say that I am very, very busy, can't ask for more than that when you work for yourself!
Lovely set of my cambridge themed art work being printed as notecard sets at the moment, looking forward to getting them back. Also, bee notebooks coming soon March 7th Excited about teaching some collage workshops at St Pauls School in Cambridge as part of their art week February 29th Finished bee commission, lots of bee's and flowers, here's 3 of the bee's from a much larger and colourful picture February 21st Busy, busy, busy. Dogs and bee's those are the subjects for the next 2 week's worth of commissions January 27th Just got a big commission, yeah! Also really pleased with my new range of notebooks, they are lush January 10th Back to work and have enjoyed experimenting with some new collage approaches to make a picture of the River Cam (see home page). Took to photo below recently on a vist to the Midlands Arts Centre, we could all etcha-sketch at the same time, what fun! December 19th This year we had Christmas cards made by hand, for charity, designed and made by kids, google eyed ones, glitter covered, we even had one from Prince Charles, but my favorite was the one below - from my friend Theary November 24th Another mention of my work - this time on the Friends of the Earth Christmas gift list http://www.foe.co.uk/living/articles/christmas_gifts_33361.htmlNovember 19th Printing course finished, not sure I am any good at it- black and white dogs below! November 15th Saw this gorgeous knitted plane on display at Duxford (the fantastic air museum) - I want one! Chicken pictures selling fast! November 1st Style article out- is great! October 18th Went to a posh sit down reception at the Tate Modern last night to celebrate the launch of the new Tacita Dean installation in the Turbine Hall. Sat on a table with lots of big wigs including Tessa Jowell. Craig has agreed he will teach her to cycle, that will be interesting! Sold over 300 Christmas cards and it is only October - thanks to everyone who has bough some. October 1st Christmas cards designed and at the printers, sold another 4 original art pieces this week and am busy exploring lino printing on my foundation course. September 18th featured in the fantastic Earthmatters magazine produced by Friends of the Earth September 5th busy summer entertaining the kids- but good fun. Had lots of orders and sold 2 original pieces in the past week, so that's good. Black Cat exhibition still up and getting some great feedback from it. July 27th all go this week, lots of orders, Earthmatters (see below) and the great UKhandmade going to include me in a feature in Feb '12 called 'The Road Less Travelled' - and the kids on 6 week school holiday! July 23rd
i had an order this week for 5 prints and an orginal art work for the same person- why can't I get those every day!
July 8th i was in the Black Cat (where my exhibition is) this morning with my friend Lynn who is a writer and it was great to see people looking at my pictures and smiling. I heard one woman comment how colourful they are and another how lovely they look. peacock picture finished this week June 2011 put up an exhibition of 12 of my pictures at the Black Cat Cafe on Mill Road, which looks quite good I think. |